Electrical Schematic - Model 27L (1919 - 1920 Year Models)

This wiring diagram comes from an early book of wiring diagrams for cars entitled The Auto Electrician's Guide 1906 through 1920.  Two Milburn Electric wiring diagrams are found on pages 547 (Model 27) and 548 (Model 27L).  Here's the link: https://archive.org/details/TheAutoElectricansGuide1906Through1920OCR964Pages/page/n547?q=Milburn+Electric

Here is the wiring diagram for the Model 27L (Cars built from 1919 - 1921 thru S/N 2-2100-7):
Model 27 Wiring Diagram

For cars built from 1921 and after with S/N 2-2101-7 and up, Milburn opted to change back to a simpler, 9-pole controller (vs the 12-pole contactor used with the 1919-1920 Model 27L above).
We have no wiring diagrams from literature at this time for this later controller.  However, the Milburn Parts List does show the plan diagram for the controller.  And from this diagram, we can deduce the wiring diagram:

Model 27L Controller Diagram 221017plus

Wiring diagram derived from the above:

Model 27L Wiring Diagram 221017plus